Nonprofit REcruitment



Our Recruitment PRocess

Your hiring process is the first impression you make with any candidate and it sets the tone for a possible future together. Don’t let it be an oversight. Let us manage it using our custom 3-phase process to ensure it runs smoothly and equitably.

Phase One: Assessment

Arguably the most important phase and the one most likely rushed or skipped over. During this phase we will assess your internal org structure, define what you can offer and build out the job description that will attract the person you need for the job.

Phase two: Recruitment

During this phase we will outline the hiring process, post the job, conduct the interview process and ultimately make an offer to a candidate.

Phase Three: Onboarding

This last phase will set your new employee up for success. We will collaboratively build an onboarding schedule for the first week so they know what to expect from day 1. This phase also includes 3 months of bi-weekly coaching to decrease their learning curve.